Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Getting a children's book published is not easy. Once I finished my manuscript, I edited it several times, creating a polished story to send out to a variety of publishers.

I picked up a copy of the Writer's Market, Where & How to Sell What You Write. All publishers are listed, and a description is provided about the company. I chose 30 publishers, went to each website and followed the submission guidelines. If you do not follow the submission guidelines, your story may end up in the trash can without being read.

Six months later, after sending out 30 manuscripts, I heard from a publisher who was interested in publishing the book. This was an exciting day! My publisher told me that he receives about 500 manuscripts from authors each year and he sends out 480 rejection letters. Stay positive and keep sending your manuscript out.

My first book, The Greenhouse Kids, Dan Delion's Secret was released in June 2009. The second book in the series, The Greenhouse Kids, Ghost Walk will be released this Spring 2010. For more info, visit http://www.greenhousekids.com/

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