Monday, May 31, 2010

How to Market Your Book

Writing books is one thing...selling them is another! Some authors think selling their books is a lot tougher than writing them. Having your book published with a large publishing house is the best way to have your book marketed. Publishers have several distribution avenues that will benefit you. And, generally, the larger the publishing house, the more distribution channels there are.

Relying on your publisher isn't enough. All authors have to promote themselves and market their books. Prepare press kits and send them out to all major newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations that are relevant to your topic. You might get lucky and get picked up by some of them.

Contact as many bookstores as you can and offer to do author signings, meet and greet events and/or readings. The bookstores will sell more of your books if you are in the store promoting yourself.

Try booking yourself for public speaking engagements where you can also sell your book.

Perhaps there are area festivals or events where you can sell your books. Some are better than others.

Networking is a great marketing tool. Get involved in your community and network with as many people as you can.

Don't forget your website. Everyone should have their name as a website. There are several other websites where you can market your book. Get as many reviews as you can. And don't forget about the importance of social media sites, like twitter and facebook.

Create a monthly newsletter and email it. Remember to have people sign up for your newsletter when you do any of your special events.

Start a blog. Especially if you are an expert in a certain field.

Don't give up. In Canada, once 5,000 copies are sold, your book is considered to be a national bestseller.

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